Book your appointment today to get an accurate diagnosis and discuss your treatment options.

Assisted Reproductive Techniques
A/Prof. Cooper provides dietary and lifestyle advice, medical treatments, reproductive surgery and assisted reproductive techniques – ovulation induction (OI), intra-uterine insemination (IUI) in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and PGD (preimplanataion genetic diagnosis). He also provides second opinions to couples seeking further fertility advice following previous unsuccessful IVF attempts.
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
Genetic counselling, testing and selection of embryos to avoid genetic disease. Includes the technique of complete genomic hybridisation (CGH) to improve the chance of a baby per embryo transfer and minimise the risk of miscarriage.
It is now possible to freeze eggs (oocyte vitrification) as a form of “fertility” insurance. The technique is new and only limited results are available but the results are promising and increasing numbers of patients are looking at this alternative.
Recurrent Miscarriage Management
Investigation, treatment and pregnancy support for couples suffering from recurrent miscarriage.
Premature Menopause
Diagnosis, treatment and management including egg donation advice and IVF cycles with donor oocytes.
Diagnosis, advice and surgical treatment of endometriosis. IVF treatment for women following treatment of endometriosis who have failed to conceive naturally.
There are many components to fertility. Male factor issues may account for between 20% and 30% of all infertility. There are myriad problems that a women might encounter, which can be classified as ovarian (ovulation), tubal (infection, damage), uterine (polyps, fibroids) or inflammatory (endometriosis).
Some of these problems can be corrected by careful surgery. Endometrial polyps and submucosal fibroids (on the inside of the uterine wall) are examples where simple surgery can dramatically improve natural fertility.
Occasionally more complex surgery is necessary to improve fertility, particularly in the presence of pelvic endometriosis (see table below summarising a woman’s fertility). The effect of adding an inflammatory but eminently treatable condition such as endometriosis is dramatic. Fortunately, careful excisional surgery – a hallmark of surgery under the care of A/Prof. Cooper – can easily return a women’s fertility to that of an age-matched woman with an otherwise normal pelvis.